Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29 -- Strep Throat

January 29
Strep Throat
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." -Romans 6:23

"She's contagious!"  my friends sang loudly into the phone.  "Olivia is contagious!"  My seven-your-old self felt devastated that I would miss our choir practice that night, but I had to obey the doctor's orders.  Strep throat meant NO socializing, NO singing, and NO happiness.  I was to stay indoors and drink thick pink liquid twice a day until the pain in my throat subsided.

Normally, I don't go to the doctor's office for something as minor as a sore throat or stuffy nose, but strep throat is a different story.  Besides the obvious sore-throat symptom, strep throat brings about fever, coughing, headache, and chills.  And it won't necessarily go away on its own!  Unlike the common cold, strep throat should immediately be treated with antibiotics to prevent against the possibility of rheumatic fever and other serious conditions.  Something that starts as small as a scratchy throat can sadly lead to serious illness and even death.

Sin often begins with just a small thought or attitude, but like strep throat, it must be treated immediately.  Jealousy, pride, or greediness can quickly contaminate our actions and our habits, and the Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death.  We must ask God to treat our seemingly small attitude maladjustments before they lead us down a dangerous path.  No thick pink liquid necessary!  Simply call on Him today.

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